Pet Care
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Dangerous Prescriptions
Household drugs that are safe for humans, but not for your pets. Some pet owners want to know if there are any over the counter medications that can be taken by their pet. If there are any, which ones and under what circumstances are they safe for pets to consume. The...
Cold Weather Safety
Temperature drops can be hard on your pets. Below are some suggestions to help keep your pets healthy and safe during the winter. Keep your home humidified.Rinse and dry your pet’s paws when entering the home. Salt and chemicals used to melt ice and snow can be licked...
Dog Bites
According to a CDC May 2015 report, Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the United States. Approximately 42 percent of all dog bite fatalities in 2016 occurred while the victim was either visiting the property or temporarily living at...

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Traveling With Pets
Air Travel
Determine if your airline allows animals in the cabin or under the passenger seat. If it doesn’t, consider another form of travel or leave your pet behind with someone who can look after...
Finicky Eaters
If your pet has lost his appetite, has lost weight, or has been refusing to eat for more than 24 hours, contact your veterinarian immediately to ensure that nothing serious is...
Buying Dog Food
Determining what food to feed your pets is one of the most important decisions you can make concerning your pet’s health. High quality dog food helps maintain appropriate levels...
Don’t Buy From A Pet Store
Most breeders do not sell to pet stores because they want to meet the buyers in person. They care about their puppies and want to make sure they go to a good home. Also, most national breed clubs prohibit or discourage members from selling to pet stores. Pet stores...
Getting A Puppy Or Adult Dog
Puppies and kittens need to be socialized, are very energetic and require exercise, must be supervised for their safety, need to learn the rules and boundaries, and must be housetrained.Kittens and puppies are still developing and may have underlying health or...