Pet Emergencies
Are You ReadyYour veterinary team will do everything possible to keep your pet happy and healthy. However, there are unexpected and time sensitive emergencies that require you to act quickly. Be prepared and stay informed. Learn about your role in maintaining your pet’s health and wellness during the day to day and under serious and sometimes dangerous situations requiring immediate action.
Toad Venom
Toad poisoning is a common occurrence requiring immediate medical attention. Your ability to react quickly can make all the difference.
Bite Injuries
Dog bites can be prevented. Find out why dogs bite and how you can prevent a bite injury.
Vomiting in Dogs
Vomiting in dogs is a common occurrence. Learn why they vomit and when to seek immediate emergency assistance.
Toxic Food
Is The Food You Eat Safe
Don’t be tempted to share human food with your pets, even if they beg you for them. You could be putting their health at risk, if you do.
– Dr. Joanne Medina
Be Prepared
Pregnant Pets
All females having puppies for the first time should be closely monitored. Take each puppy and care for the delivered puppy until mom is done straining. Make sure to clear the puppy’s mouth and nostrils so they can breathe. Blowing gently into the nostrils and mouth can help clear them. If the puppy comes out still enclosed in the sac, break it open immediately and stimulate the puppy by rubbing it gently with a towel. A small cardboard box with a warm water bottle covered with a towel will help keep the puppies warm and safe, while they wait for mom. If 24 to 48 hours after delivery, mom doesn’t look well or she has bloody and/or smelly vaginal discharge, contact a veterinarian immediately.
Stage 1
Lifestyle Changes
Make the expecting mother relaxed. Prepare an area for labor and for raising puppies. She should feel comfortable and safe and be allowed to come and go as she pleases.
Stage 2
You’re going to want to change your pet’s food gradually. She should be fed puppy food from week four of pregnancy and premium quality adult food before then.
Stage 3
You may have to hand feed the puppies if mom is experiencing problems. If one of the puppies is weak or underweight, you may have to pay him extra attention and supplement his food.

Make It Painless
Traveling With Pets
You take car safety seriously with your child. Why not with your pet? What if you are involved in accident? How often should you stop to walk your pet?
Does your pet suffer from motion sickness? Can they swim? Have they been introduced to water previously? Don’t get caught unprepared.
Safety Conditions
Precautions & Responses
Extreme weather conditions can threaten your pet’s health. Learn how to protect your pet.

Extreme Cold Weather
Temperature drops can be hard on your pets. Below are some suggestions to help keep your pets healthy and safe during the winter.
Extreme Heat
Supply Kit
Pets In Cars
Don’t keep children, seniors, or animals locked in a car. High temperatures can cause severe dehydration, irreparable organ damage, and even death.
Save a Life
Emergency Life Saving Procedures
These emergency procedures can help save your pet’s life during a crisis.
Dangerous Prescriptions
Household drugs that are safe for humans, but not for your pets. Some pet owners want to know if there are any over the counter medications that can be taken by their pet. If there are any, which ones and under what circumstances are they safe for pets to consume. The...
Cold Weather Safety
Temperature drops can be hard on your pets. Below are some suggestions to help keep your pets healthy and safe during the winter. Keep your home humidified.Rinse and dry your pet’s paws when entering the home. Salt and chemicals used to melt ice and snow can be licked...
Dog Bites
According to a CDC May 2015 report, Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur each year in the United States. Approximately 42 percent of all dog bite fatalities in 2016 occurred while the victim was either visiting the property or temporarily living at...