Westchester Animal Hospital
2730 SW 87th Ave
Miami, FL 33165
(305) 221-1224

2730 SW 87th Ave
Miami, FL 33165


(305) 221-1224


Westchester Animal Hospital
Injured dog sleeping in bed


Travel & Emergency Supply Kits

Don’t wait for an emergency to occur to gather your important documents and make a disaster supply kit. There are some kits available for purchase if you prefer to go that route. When gathering your emergency supplies, be sure to include your pet’s basic requirements. While there are things you will need if you decide to “go” and others if you decide to “stay”, I find it best to make one list. For your pet’s safety, keep your pet’s records in a portable USB drive or on the cloud. Some people even email themselves photo captures of all the records for easy access. Whatever you decide, try to minimize having to search for things during an emergency. Be sure to include your vet’s name and number, pet’s health condition, medication list, and immunization records. It’s a good idea to have a picture to show emergency crew should your pet get lost. On your list should be some pet emergency preparedness plan. DO NOT leave your pets at home if forced to evacuate. If you can’t keep them with you, please arrange for them to stay with a friend or family member. If no one is available, find a shelter or boarding location outside of your area of evacuation.

Your Pet Emergency Kit:

  • pet food, snacks, and water for at least 3 days
  • carrier and/or cage to transport your pet
  • pet bed
  • toys
  • leash, harness
  • veterinarian name/number
  • medications, if applicable
  • identification/medical conditions/immunizations
  • current photo
  • litter supplies

Be sure to stay current on all your shots and licenses. If you’re not sure what vaccines are required to meet both the legal requirements and your pet’s individual needs, please ask your vet. Try to check your kit every six months for expiration dates and completeness.

Written by Westchester Animal Hospital

Dr. Joanne Medina is the owner and lead veterinarian at Westchester Animal Hospital.

November 3, 2020

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