If you love you pets, keep them safe. Do your research and keep your pets away from materials that may be hazardous to them. If you suspect that your pet may have consumed something that is dangerous to your pet’s health, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian.

Marijuana will affect different dogs differently largely due to age and size differences. The risk of marijuana poisoning in dogs is moderate to severe. Symptoms that your dog has marijuana poisoning include severe depression, wobbliness, lethargy, coma, low heart rate, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, hyperactivity, vocalizations, and seizures. Administering high dosage amounts to your dog is life threatening. Do not carelessly place or store pot in the home. Seek professional veterinary advice about the use of medical marijuana on your dog.

Rodenticides kill rats and mice. Symptoms of rodenticide poisoning include rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite, blood in the stool, vomit, or urine, nose bleeds, bleeding gums, hematomas, bruising of skin, ears, or eyes, depression, garlic or rotten fish breath odor, and seizures. Rodenticides can cause a slow and sometimes silent death due to internal bleeding. Please keep your pets safe by using pet friendly products and ask your neighbors to do the same.

Insecticides kill insects. Symptoms of insecticide poisoning include drooling, diarrhea, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, fever, vomiting, tremors, and convulsions. If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, quickly remove him from the toxic environment and seek immediate medical attention. Insecticides need to be pet-friendly and/or be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Herbicides kill unwanted plants or vegetation. Keep pets off treated lawns until the product is completely dry. If run-off puddles are formed by the spraying of these chemicals, be sure to dilute by adding water. Symptoms of herbicide poisoning include drooling, diarrhea, anorexia, lethargy, vomiting and weakness.

Most fertilizers contain ingredients that appeal to dogs. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, ingesting large quantities causes blockage and pancreatitis. Symptoms of fertilizer poisoning include ulcerations and redness on the skin, tearing and redness of the eyes, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Matters are further complicated by the inclusion of pesticides in the fertilizer which can be life-threatening if consumed.

Pesticides are common at home and in public places. There are many types of pesticides most of which have toxic chemicals that can be life-threatening to your pet. Symptoms will vary depending on the pesticide in question.

Mulch can be made up of different things like cedar, untreated wood chips, leaves, and pine needles. As such, mulch poisoning can vary greatly. Ingesting large amounts can produce gastrointestinal irritation and/or obstruction. Some mulch are safer to use in households that have pets. Symptoms of mulch poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heart rhythm, increased heart rate, restlessness, elevated body temperature, high blood pressure, excessive thirst, bloating, hyperactivity, difficulty breathing, and convulsions.

Antifreeze is used in car radiators and to winterize pipes during the winter. It is common for pets to lick drops off the ground because of its sweet smell. Antifreeze is lethal when ingested even in small quantities. Antifreeze poisoning affects the brain, liver, and kidneys. Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning include euphoria, delirium, wobbliness, uncoordinated movement, nausea, vomiting, excessive urination, diarrhea, elevated heart rate, depression, weakness, seizures, convulsions, shaking, tremors, fainting, and coma.

Heavy Metals
There are many types of heavy metals. Lead and zinc are the most common forms of heavy metal poisoning. Lead can be found in insecticides, toys, solder, fishing weights, paint, linoleum, batteries, and plumbing pipes. Zinc can be found in pennies, toys, bolts and nuts, cages, and jewelry. Other heavy metals include, iron, arsenic and copper. The range of toxicity is mild to severe. Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, convulsions, lethargy, encephalitis, hyperactivity, seizures, hysteria, gastrointestinal irritation, and death.